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Sustainable Aviation Fuel Market (By Fuel Type: Biofuel, Hydrogen Fuel, Power to Liquid, Gas to Liquid; By Manufacturing Technology: FT-SPK, HEFA-SPK, HFS-SIP, Others; By Blending Capacity: Below 30%, 30% to 50%, Above 50%; By Platform: Commercial Aviation, Military Aviation, Business & General Aviation, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles) - Global Industry Analysis, Size, Share, Growth, Trends, Regional Analysis And Forecast 2024 To 2033

Sustainable Aviation Fuel Market Size and Growth 2024 to 2033

The global sustainable aviation fuel market size was valued at USD 1.27 billion in 2023 and is anticipated to reach around USD 34.81 billion by 2033, growing at a CAGR of 39.24% from 2024 to 2033.

Sustainable Aviation Fuel Market Size 2024 to 2033

The sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) market is a rapidly growing sector focused on reducing aviation's carbon footprint by utilizing alternative fuels derived from renewable resources. SAF can be produced using various technologies such as Fischer-Tropsch synthesis, HEFA, and alcohol-to-jet pathways. These fuels are used in commercial, military, and business aviation, offering lower emissions compared to conventional jet fuels. The market is driven by increasing regulatory pressures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, advancements in production technologies, and airline commitments to sustainability.

  • “Boeing CEO Dave Calhoun has cast doubt on the future affordability of sustainable aviation fuels, stating they will never match the price of traditional fossil jet fuels. This statement complicates the aviation industry's hopes for SAFs as a primary solution for reducing greenhouse gas emissions.”
  • “Honeywell has unveiled a new technology for producing low-cost sustainable aviation fuel, expanding feedstock options beyond traditional sources like vegetable oils, animal fats, and waste oils. Ken West, CEO, notes this innovation addresses the challenge of limited SAF feedstock supplies as industry demand increases.”
  • “World Energy has announced a SAF agreement with Boston Consulting Group to enhance decarbonization efforts. The fuel will be produced using HEFA technology from waste fats, oils, and residues. Certified to industry standards, the SAF will be tracked through the SAFc Registry for consistency and transparency in the certificate market.”
  • ” International Airlines Group (IAG), British Airways' owner, has signed its largest SAF deal to date with e-SAF producer Twelve. The agreement, valued at nearly 1 billion liters, will supply advanced e-SAF made from CO2, water, and renewable energy, marking a significant step in IAG’s sustainability efforts.”

Report Highlights

  • North America has reported highest revenue share of 46% in 2023.
  • Europe has accounted second highest revenue share of 26% in 2023.
  • By platform, commercial aviation segment has captured 73% revenue share in 2023.
  • By fuel type, biofuel segment has recorded revenue share of around 79% in 2023. 

Sustainable Aviation Fuel Market Growth Factors

  • Regulatory Support and Mandates: Governments and international bodies are implementing regulations and mandates to reduce carbon emissions in aviation. Incentives and subsidies for SAF production and usage are driving market growth.
  • Airline Commitments to Sustainability: Airlines are increasingly committing to carbon-neutral operations, with many setting targets to increase SAF usage, which boosts demand and encourages investment in SAF production.
  • Technological Advancements: Innovations in SAF production technologies, such as Hydro processed Esters and Fatty Acids (HEFA) and Alcohol-to-Jet (ATJ) processes, are improving fuel efficiency and reducing costs, making SAF more competitive with conventional fuels.
  • Growing Environmental Awareness: Increasing public and industry awareness of environmental issues is driving demand for greener alternatives in aviation, with SAF being a key solution to reduce the sector's carbon footprint.
  • Investment and Partnerships: Significant investments and strategic partnerships between airlines, fuel producers, and technology companies are accelerating the development and scaling of SAF production, fostering market expansion.
  • Expansion of Production Capacity: The establishment of new SAF production facilities and the expansion of existing ones are increasing the supply of sustainable fuels. This expansion is supported by both public and private investments, ensuring a more consistent and scalable supply to meet growing demand from the aviation sector.
  • Rising Fuel Prices: Fluctuating and increasing prices of conventional fossil fuels are encouraging airlines to explore alternative fuel options like SAF, which can offer more price stability in the long term.
  • Corporate Environmental Responsibility: Companies across industries are prioritizing environmental, social, and governance (ESG) goals, leading to increased investment in sustainable practices, including the adoption of SAF by corporate aviation fleets.
  • International Collaboration: Global initiatives, such as the Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation (CORSIA), encourage international cooperation and investment in SAF development, promoting its adoption across borders.
  • Development of New Feedstock Sources: Research and development into new feedstocks, such as algae and municipal solid waste, present opportunities for diversifying SAF production and reducing reliance on traditional biofuel sources, leading to more sustainable and cost-effective solutions.
  • Integration with Hydrogen and Electric Aviation: As the aviation industry explores hydrogen and electric propulsion, there is an opportunity for SAF to play a complementary role, particularly in long-haul and larger aircraft where current electric technology may not be feasible. This integration can enhance overall sustainability in aviation. 

Report Scope

Area of Focus Details
Market Size in 2024 USD 1.77 Billion
Market Size by 2033 USD 34.81 Billion
Market Growth Rate CAGR of 39.24% from 2024 to 2033
Largest Market North America
Fastest Growing Market Asia-Pacific
Segment Coverage Fuel Type, Manufacturing Technology, Blending Capacity, Platform, Region

Sustainable Aviation Fuel Market Dynamics


Consumer Demand for Green Travel Options:

  • Increasing consumer awareness and demand for environmentally friendly travel options are pushing airlines to adopt SAF as part of their sustainability strategies. Passengers are more likely to choose airlines with strong commitments to reducing their carbon footprint, making SAF adoption a competitive advantage. As eco-consciousness becomes a deciding factor for travelers, airlines are motivated to integrate SAF into their operations to meet customer expectations.

Investment in Renewable Energy Infrastructure:

  • The global push toward renewable energy infrastructure is facilitating the production and distribution of SAF. Investments in renewable energy sources like wind, solar, and biomass are supporting the development of integrated systems that can produce SAF more efficiently and at a lower cost, thereby enhancing its adoption in the aviation industry. These investments also help establish robust supply chains, making SAF more accessible to airlines worldwide.


High Production Costs:

  • The production of SAF remains expensive compared to conventional jet fuels due to the advanced technologies and specialized processes involved. These high costs can deter airlines from adopting SAF at a large scale, especially when fuel prices are volatile. The economic challenge of scaling up SAF production and achieving cost parity with traditional fuels is a significant barrier to widespread adoption.

Limited Infrastructure for Distribution:

  • The infrastructure for distributing and blending SAF is still underdeveloped compared to conventional jet fuel systems. Many airports lack the necessary facilities and infrastructure to handle SAF, which can limit its availability and accessibility. This infrastructure gap hinders the ability of airlines to integrate SAF into their existing operations and supply chains, slowing down market growth and adoption.


Government Incentives and Tax Benefits:

  • Governments worldwide are increasingly offering incentives and tax benefits to stimulate the production and use of SAF. These incentives can include subsidies, tax credits, and grants aimed at reducing production costs and encouraging investment in SAF infrastructure. Such support can accelerate market growth by making SAF more economically viable for producers and more affordable for airlines, driving wider adoption.

Technological Innovations in Production:

  • Advancements in production technologies and processes present significant opportunities for the SAF market. Innovations such as more efficient catalytic processes, improved feedstock conversion methods, and breakthroughs in carbon capture and utilization can enhance SAF production efficiency and lower costs. These technological advancements can make SAF more competitive with conventional fuels and expand its availability, paving the way for broader adoption across the aviation industry.


Feedstock Availability and Competition:

  • The availability of sustainable feedstocks for SAF production, such as agricultural residues, waste oils, and algae, can be limited. Additionally, there is competition for these feedstocks from other industries, such as biofuels for road transport. This competition can drive up feedstock prices and limit the volume of SAF that can be produced, posing a challenge for scaling up SAF production to meet growing demand.

Technological Uncertainty and Maturity:

  • While there are several SAF production technologies, they are not yet uniformly mature or commercially proven at scale. The uncertainty around which technologies will become the most viable or dominant can impact investment decisions and delay the widespread adoption of SAF. The need for continued research and development to improve and standardize these technologies adds a layer of risk for stakeholders in the SAF market.

Sustainable Aviation Fuel Market Segmental Analysis

Fuel Type Analysis

Biofuel: Biofuel segment has reported market share of 79% in 2023. Biofuels for SAF are derived from biological materials, including plant oils, agricultural residues, and animal fats. They are processed into jet fuel using technologies like Hydro processed Esters and Fatty Acids (HEFA). Biofuels are gaining traction due to their lower carbon emissions and established production methods. They are becoming more cost-effective as technology improves, and are increasingly used by airlines to meet sustainability goals.

Sustainable Aviation Fuel Market Share, By Fuel Type, 2023 (%)

Hydrogen Fuel: Hydrogen fuel segment has registered market share of 10% in 2023. Hydrogen fuel for SAF involves using hydrogen as a direct energy source or in combination with other processes to produce jet fuel. It can significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions when produced from renewable sources. Hydrogen fuel is emerging as a long-term solution for aviation decarbonization. While still in developmental stages, it holds promise for future aviation, with ongoing research into efficient production and storage methods.

Power to Liquid: Power to Liquid segment has accounted market share of 7% in 2023. Power to Liquid (PtL) technology converts renewable electricity into liquid fuels through processes like CO2 capture and hydrogen synthesis. It creates synthetic jet fuel with potentially zero emissions. PtL is advancing with increased investments and pilot projects. Its potential for high emission reductions makes it a strong candidate for future aviation fuel, though scaling up production remains a challenge.

Gas to Liquid: Gas to liquid segment has calculated market share of 4% in 2023. Gas to liquid (GtL) technology converts natural gas into liquid fuels via chemical processes like Fischer-Tropsch synthesis. It produces high-quality jet fuel with lower sulfur content. GtL is valued for producing cleaner fuels with fewer impurities. It is increasingly used in conjunction with SAF to improve fuel quality, although its reliance on natural gas poses sustainability concerns.

Manufacturing Technology Analysis

FT-SPK (Fischer-Tropsch Synthetic Paraffinic Kerosene): FT-SPK is produced using Fischer-Tropsch synthesis, which converts biomass or waste into synthetic kerosene through gasification and catalytic processing. This technology is gaining traction due to its scalability and versatility in feedstock utilization. Recent trends focus on enhancing production efficiency, reducing costs, and integrating FT-SPK with existing aviation infrastructure to increase its adoption in the SAF market.

HEFA-SPK (Hydroprocessed Esters and Fatty Acids Synthetic Paraffinic Kerosene): HEFA-SPK is derived from hydroprocessing oils and fats into a jet fuel compatible with current engines. It is widely adopted due to its proven technology and compatibility. Trends in HEFA-SPK include expanding feedstock sources, improving process efficiency, and reducing production costs. Ongoing advancements aim to enhance its economic viability and broaden its market presence.

HFS-SIP (Hydroprocessed Fermented Sugars Synthetic Iso-Paraffinic): HFS-SIP is produced from fermented sugars through hydroprocessing to create iso-paraffinic kerosene. This technology is emerging for its potential in producing high-quality fuels from renewable biomass. Trends focus on optimizing sugar conversion processes, increasing production yields, and lowering costs to make HFS-SIP a competitive option in the SAF market.

ATJ-SPK (Alcohol-to-Jet Synthetic Paraffinic Kerosene): ATJ-SPK is created by converting alcohols, such as ethanol or butanol, into jet fuel via catalytic processes. This technology is valued for its flexibility and use of diverse alcohol feedstocks. Current trends include improving conversion efficiency, scaling up production, and reducing costs to enhance ATJ-SPK's viability and adoption within the aviation industry.

CHJ (Carbon-Hydrogen Jet Fuel): CHJ is produced by converting carbon dioxide and hydrogen into jet fuel through chemical processes. This technology aims to achieve carbon-neutral aviation by utilizing renewable energy. Trends in CHJ focus on improving the efficiency of CO2 conversion, reducing production costs, and scaling up technology to make it commercially viable in the near future.

FT-SPK/A (Fischer-Tropsch Synthetic Paraffinic Kerosene with Aromatics): FT-SPK/A is an advanced form of FT-SPK that includes aromatic compounds to better replicate conventional jet fuel properties. It combines FT-SPK with aromatic components to enhance performance. Trends include optimizing the aromatic content to match conventional fuels' characteristics while maintaining SAF benefits, aiming to improve acceptance and performance in aviation applications.

Others: This category encompasses various emerging SAF technologies and processes not specifically covered by the main segments, such as novel biochemical pathways or hybrid approaches. Trends in this category involve exploring new feedstocks and innovative processes to diversify SAF options. Research is concentrated on finding efficient, scalable methods that complement existing technologies and broaden market opportunities.

Blending Capacity Analysis

Below 30%: SAF blends below 30% involve incorporating small percentages of SAF with conventional jet fuel. This lower blending capacity is often used to meet initial regulatory requirements and gradually introduce SAF into the market. Trends include increasing adoption by airlines aiming to achieve partial sustainability goals while minimizing operational disruptions. Efforts are focused on demonstrating SAF benefits and preparing for higher blending thresholds in the future.

30% to 50%: SAF blends of 30% to 50% represent a moderate incorporation of SAF with conventional jet fuel, enhancing environmental benefits while maintaining performance. This blending range is being increasingly explored as airlines and regulators push for more significant sustainability measures. Trends include advancements in SAF production technologies and growing regulatory support, aiming to facilitate higher SAF integration and improve the economic feasibility of such blends.

Above 50%: SAF blends above 50% involve significant proportions of SAF, often approaching 100% in some cases, with minimal or no conventional jet fuel. This high blending capacity aims to maximize environmental benefits and meet ambitious sustainability targets. Trends include ongoing research to support higher SAF concentrations, technological advancements to ensure compatibility with existing infrastructure, and increasing commitments from airlines for full SAF adoption in the near future.

Platform Analysis

Commercial Aviation: Commercial aviation segment has reported market share of 73% in 2023. Commercial aviation refers to passenger and cargo flights operated by airlines. SAF is increasingly adopted in this sector to reduce carbon emissions and meet sustainability targets. Trends include major airlines committing to SAF usage, significant investments in SAF infrastructure, and government policies encouraging SAF adoption. The focus is on scaling up SAF production to meet the high fuel demands of commercial flights.

Sustainable Aviation Fuel Market Share, By Platform, 2023 (%)

Military Aviation: Military aviation segment has generated market share of 14% in 2023. Military aviation involves aircraft used for defense and strategic operations. SAF is being integrated into military fleets to reduce emissions and enhance energy security. Trends include military forces setting sustainability goals, investing in SAF research, and testing SAF blends in various military aircraft. The aim is to achieve operational efficiency while meeting environmental regulations and enhancing fuel resilience.

Business & General Aviation: Business and general aviation segment has captured market share of 9% in 2023. Business and general aviation cover private jets and smaller aircraft used for personal and business travel. SAF is gaining traction in this sector due to increasing environmental awareness among corporate fleets and private owners. Trends include growing adoption of SAF for business jets, partnerships between fuel producers and private aviation companies, and efforts to standardize SAF for general aviation use.

Unmanned Aerial Vehicles: Unmanned aerial vehicles segment has accounted market share of 4% in 2023. Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) include drones and other remotely operated aircraft. SAF usage in UAVs is emerging to support longer flight times and reduce environmental impact. Trends involve the development of SAF-compatible fuels for various drone applications, innovations in fuel efficiency for UAVs, and growing interest in sustainable solutions for commercial and industrial drone operations.

Sustainable Aviation Fuel Market Regional Analysis

Why North America is leading in sustainable aviation fuel market?

The North America sustainable aviation fuel market size is calculated at USD 0.81 billion in 2024 and is expected to reach around USD 16.01 billion by 2033. North America includes the United States, Canada, and Mexico. The SAF market in this region is driven by strong government support, including federal mandates and incentives for SAF adoption. Trends include major investments from airlines and fuel producers in SAF production facilities, partnerships for research and development, and pilot programs to test SAF blends. North America is also a leader in SAF infrastructure development and commercialization.

North America Sustainable Aviation Fuel Market Size 2024 to 2033

Europe Sustainable Aviation Fuel Market Trends

The Europe sustainable aviation fuel market size is accounted at USD 0.46 billion in 2024 and is projected to hit around USD 9.05 billion by 2033. Europe encompasses countries like the United Kingdom, Germany, and France. The SAF market in Europe is characterized by stringent environmental regulations and ambitious climate targets. Trends include widespread adoption of SAF by European airlines, extensive government subsidies and mandates for SAF usage, and active participation in international SAF collaborations. European countries are also focusing on integrating SAF into their broader sustainability strategies and achieving net-zero emissions.

Sustainable Aviation Fuel Market Share, By Region, 2023 (%)

Why Asia-Pacific is growing faster in sustainable aviation fuel market?

The Asia-Pacific sustainable aviation fuel market Market size is measured at USD 0.39 billion in 2024 and is projected to hit around USD 7.66 billion by 2033. The Asia-Pacific region includes China, Japan, India, and other countries. The SAF market in Asia-Pacific is growing due to increasing aviation traffic and rising environmental concerns. Trends involve regional governments setting up SAF policies and incentives, investments in SAF research, and pilot projects to integrate SAF into existing aviation infrastructure. There is also a focus on developing local SAF production capabilities to meet the region's expanding aviation demands.

LAMEA Sustainable Aviation Fuel Market Trends

LAMEA covers Latin America, the Middle East, and Africa. The SAF market in this region is emerging, with varying levels of adoption and development. Trends include initial SAF projects and collaborations in countries like Brazil and the UAE, growing interest in sustainable aviation as part of broader energy transitions, and efforts to attract investment in SAF infrastructure. The focus is on overcoming logistical challenges and building local SAF production capabilities to support regional aviation needs.

Sustainable Aviation Fuel Market Top Companies

  • Neste Corporation
  • World Energy LLC
  • LanzaTech Inc.
  • Gevo Inc.
  • SABIC (Saudi Basic Industries Corporation)
  • BP plc (British Petroleum)
  • TotalEnergies SE
  • Shell Global
  • Airbus SE
  • Boeing Company
  • Honeywell International Inc.
  • Velocys plc
  • AltAir Fuels Inc.
  • Green Plains Inc.
  • Red Rock Biofuels LLC

New players entering the SAF market, such as LanzaTech Inc. and Velocys plc, are focusing on innovative technologies like gas fermentation and Fischer-Tropsch synthesis to produce SAF from diverse feedstocks. They are investing in research and scaling up production processes to establish their presence. Dominant players include Neste Corporation and World Energy LLC, which lead the market through extensive SAF production capabilities, established infrastructure, and significant investments in research and development. Their market dominance is bolstered by established partnerships and large-scale production facilities.

Recent Developments

The sustainable aviation fuel market has seen several key developments in recent years, with companies seeking to expand their market presence and leverage synergies to improve their offerings and profitability. 

  • In 2023, GAIL partnered with LanzaTech Global to explore a pilot project for capturing and converting CO2 into valuable materials. This collaboration supports GAIL's Net Zero 2040 goals and contributes to global decarbonization efforts.
  • In 2023, Emirates and Neste are expanding their partnership to deliver over three million gallons of blended Neste MY Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) in 2024 and 2025. This SAF, mixed with traditional jet fuel, will be used for flights from Amsterdam Schiphol and Singapore Changi airports.
  • In 2022, Fulcrum BioEnergy Inc. secured a $20 million equity investment from SK innovation, part of South Korea's SK Group. The collaboration includes an exclusive licensing agreement to explore Fulcrum's waste-to-fuel technology in South Korea and other Asian countries.
  • In 2022, Gevo, Inc. announced a fuel sales deal with Iberia Airlines to supply 6 million gallons of sustainable aviation fuel annually for five years, starting in 2028. The agreement is valued at $165 million, including environmental benefits.

This key development helped companies expand their offerings, improve their market presence, and capitalize on growth opportunities in the market. The trend is expected to continue as companies seek to gain a competitive edge in the market.

Market Segmentation

By Fuel Type

  • Biofuel
  • Hydrogen Fuel
  • Power to Liquid
  • Gas to Liquid

By Manufacturing Technology

  • FT-SPK
  • CHJ
  • FT-SPK/A
  • Others

By Blending Capacity

  • Below 30%
  • 30% to 50%
  • Above 50%

By Platform

  • Commercial Aviation
  • Military Aviation
  • Business & General Aviation
  • Unmanned Aerial Vehicles

By Regions

  • North America
  • APAC
  • Europe
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Proceed To Buy

USD 4750
USD 3800
USD 2100
USD 2100
USD 7500


The global sustainable aviation fuel market size was estimated at USD 1.27 billion in 2023 and is anticipated to reach around USD 34.81 billion by 2033.

The global sustainable aviation fuel market is growing at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 39.24% from 2024 to 2033.

The top companies operating in the sustainable aviation fuel market are Neste Corporation, World Energy LLC, LanzaTech Inc., Gevo Inc., SABIC (Saudi Basic Industries Corporation), BP plc (British Petroleum), TotalEnergies SE, Shell Global, Airbus SE and Boeing Company.